
.you are filthy but fine.

Leslie Buck, designer of one of the most recognizable pieces of New York iconography died.

He went to the big street side coffee cart in the sky.

I imagine it's like this.


.our records all show.

The above picture
(take from SMKjr's Flickr - and has great street art photos)
is from a mural on Houston Street
which now changes on a regular basis (?)
by Shepard Fairey.


You know him, really.
You know this : OBEY
And you know this: HOPE

And in typical New Yorker fashion
people are bitching
and complaining
and general hating on Fairey.

I like him.
I like him a lot more after watching Exit Through the Gift Shop
(I seriously loved that movie)
I like his work.
He has a great visual aesthetic/language which has
evolved and grown with time.
(and he can be forgiven for going to RISD - the sworn enemy of the MICA student)

I didn't pay for the mural.
And even if I did,
even if it was taken out my taxes.
I'm all for good public art.
Most of the time it sucks,
this mural does not suck.
New York isn't exactly the most
beautiful city in the world.

What's wrong with a little
and making the world a little less conventional?

More murals!
More art!
More love!


.and you're wasting my time.

this is the first time in
a really long time
I've been affected by a TV

But I love
the new Kotex ads
and it actually makes me want to buy
and support
a company that recognizes
how silly tampon advertisements are.
(they also have crazy-totally-wouldn't-fly-in-the-US ads in Australia)


.new york, you're safer.

Is it just me
or has anyone else
noticed the massive
in pot themed
television programming
this year on this day from last?


.pulling minimum wage.

I forgot to talk about this
but this is the reason
loved Dave Grohl
since I was 12.

Of course,
it did lead to
a very real hospitalization
due to a coffee overdose.

That's the way to go
coffee overdose.
Delicious heart failure.


.like a rat in a cage.

made an update from
my phone
which disappeared.

Went something like this:
Weird smell and
massive amounts of firetrucks
and ambulances.

Look out the window and see a
cloud of black smoke
coming from a few blocks

Hope no one got hurt.



UPDATE: The fire was massive and took over 250 firefighters from 60 departments all over the city to put out but lucky (amazingly) no one was hurt. Article with crazy pictures at the New York Times (no subscription needed to see it).
UPDATE 2: Gawker has a post with crazy video inside! And a rescued cat!


.but you're bringing me down.

I've been in the
Upper East Side
a lot for interviews
and museums
and whatnots recently
(weird, right?)
and also in the Bronx
and there is no reasonable
of the 6 line.
What part of this:

makes sense
Especially when you're
on the train
and one goes every other stop
(not shown - not sure why)
while the other train
makes up those stops.

If all else fails in trying to
this abomination
of a subway line
just read this
weekend service announcement
and try to make left
from right.


.new york, i love you.

Here's the breakdown:

  • I can't believe Canal Street is no longer the home to all things counterfeit. It just won't be the same walking around without some guy pushing a piece of paper with pictures of fake Chanel bags in your hand. Is this also the cut down of the baby turtle trade?
  • Oooo, this looks good.
  • Look at these sad, sad numbers. Come on Williamsburg, even my neighborhood is beating you - and you know those Census (Censi?) didn't come in Chinese (only Spanish/English - Dios bendiga América).
  • This is upsetting to me.
  • I watched the final scenes of Alejandro Jodorowsky's Holy Mountain during dinner last night, not such a good idea. A FYI really.
  • I don't know which I like more, Lost or watching Lost with my Mom 195 miles away with commentary via text message. Classic from her, "Oh fuck noooooo" (verbatim). Classic from me, "Excellentness.....Whoa! Who was that in the preview?!"
  • Oh Inky, you silly cat.
  • Photo above is from the snowpocalypse or whatever they were calling it. Just a reminder to myself really as I grumbled my way to an interview with heels and a blazer in 90 degree weather.


(flip record to side 4B)

This is the baby seal
that lives on the Hudson
(ew, gross, I know)
I love it.
I want it to love me.
I wonder if it came from
San Francisco?